Make (or help) a friend!
You’ve heard the expression “it takes a village”? Well, that’s a good description of what it takes to keep the Roseville South Placer Branch going and growing. We all believe in our mission, and we think the service and support we provide to girls and women of South Placer is pretty amazing. But we need more of you to step up and help out. Do you have a few hours to spare and want to pitch in while making new or strengthening old friendships? It’s easy: For more information or to volunteer - email: aauwrosevillesouthplacer@gmail.com.
Current Volunteer Opportunities:
Website Maintenance
Event Planning
Social Media-Facebook/Next-door
Public Policy
Fun Activities events
Program Hospitality
New Member Hospitality
Grant Writing
Tech Trek
Gov Trek
Speech Trek
Eleanor Roosevelt Awardees - Volunteerism
Each year we select two members to receive the Eleanor Roosevelt Award for outstanding contributions to our Branch. The two deserving members in our branch who have been outstanding in giving their time, talent, and effort for the good of our Branch for this year are:
Nancy Taylor
Presenter: Lisa Beauchamp and Leslie McNeill
I think most know this member loves to read. You might call her a "bookie"! She was a member of the branch Tuesday book group until covid shut it down, and as chair of the Wednesday group, she moved to our 2nd best way to meet and discuss books: ZOOM. Faithfully, she is there on the 3rd Wednesday at 10:00 am as the group gathers.
Aside from her love of books, she enjoys the mahjongg group, attends both social and educational events, aways was a branch election poll worker and can be counted on to do whatever needs to be done for the branch. As a member of the Women of the World interest group, she helped make dresses out of pillowcases, these to be sent to an African nation. This award is not the first she has received in the branch! In the past, the "kick-off" had posters and displays showing interest groups, but one-year members were encouraged to come dressed in something attention getting to let members know more about interest groups.
Our "Eleanor Roosevelt" arrived in a swimsuit and swim cap. Her humor, her belief, and her support to AAUW RSP won the day. The Roseville-South Place Placer Branch is strong because long-time members like Nancy Taylor have not only stayed in the branch, but also kept members actively involved through the years. She is one of the branch's outstanding contributors. Congratulations Nancy Taylor.
Sandi Sherwood
Presenter: Lisa Beauchamp and Leslie McNeill
AAUW RSP is a 501 (c) organization. With that in mind, it is prudent for the branch to have a financial member sitting at the table.
Over the years, we have had numerous very adept members holding this office. As this new year starts, we have a Vice President of Finance who has done an outstanding job in keeping the records updated and presented to the board on a timely basis. She has provided input and suggestions regarding grants for fundraising, and currently is our Facebook Administrator. She procured a much needed storage unit for our AAUW treasures complete with an inventory and instructions on how to work the lock! In addition, she is formatting the handouts announcing our monthly programs. She also helped design our website and continues to update with incoming events and information.
This year we reinstated the Speech Trek Program. Our honoree designed the program and fliers Her dedication and attention to detail helps our branch as we continue to pursue AAUW's mission statement. She is a relatively new member and a wonderful addition to the AAUW RSP branch. Congratulations Sandi Sherwood.