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Tech Trek
2023 Recipients

The Tech Trek Committee was delighted to conduct interviews and make selections for the AAUW Roseville South-Placer 2023 scholarships, specifically for middle school girls, in the month of March. To mark this occasion, an Ice Cream Social was organized on Sunday, April 30th, to celebrate and acquaint ourselves with the newly chosen Roseville-South Placer Tech Trekkers and their parents. Now, it is with great excitement that we introduce you to the five exceptional students who were granted the opportunity to participate in our STEM camp. We are confident that these five young girls will undoubtedly excel at the UC Davis STEM week-long camp.

Tech Trek is a week-long, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) camp (held in July) for rising 8th grade girls. The camp is designed to develop interest, excitement and self-confidence in young women and offers project-based robotics/engineering/coding classes, hands-on workshops, talks from inspirational women in the field, social activities and even parent sessions. Additionally, all sleeping, eating, instruction and recreation take place on a university campus.


Every camper is selected and sponsored by a local AAUW branch like ours and has been recommended for the program by her middle school science or math teacher before being asked to complete an application and interviewed.


More information about Tech Trek 2024 will be available on our website in the coming months.


Tech Trek Chair: Carol Delville

Gabriela (Gabby), upcoming 8th grader, Olympus Junior High School, Roseville


Gabby grew up in Columbia, coming to California a little over a year ago. She studied English while in school in Columbia. During her interview for Tech Trek, she expressed a natural excitement and thankfulness for the opportunity to participate in the opportunities camp would provide. She has loved science since 1st grade! As she continued to study more in the upper grades, her love of physics, biology and chemistry became apparent. Although she hasn’t been to an overnight camp, she’s thrilled about the possibility of being around girls her age who are interested in science, just as she is! Her application essay focused on her interest in Sustainable Science. “Sustainable science is a question of normative native; it is an approach that will allow capitalizing research as a tool to solve current problems.” Flavia Schlegel, Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences, UNESCO. I think Gabby is on her way to making a huge difference!!

Sophia, upcoming 8th grader, Gateway Academy, Rocklin


Well-spoken, expressive, and a little shy at first, but quickly warmed up as we talked about science, her experiences, and interests. She has had STEM exposure already at school, is experienced and comfortable with teamwork. She is leaning towards medicine as a career and wants to contribute to society. “I aspire that one day, more people who need assistance will be helped and noticed. With these ideas, math and science would be able to advance not only normal people’s lives but also the ones who need it the most. Acceptance and acknowledgement, not tolerance, will be the core of society’s vision for the improvement and assurance of our future existence.”

Lara, upcoming 8th grader, Gateway Academy, Rocklin


When asked why she thought her teacher nominated her for Tech Trek, Lara, without hesitation, said I ask lots of question,am very curious, I want the details! Energetic and inquisitive are qualities that will allow her to flourish at camp. She is leaning towards a job in research for cures of illness, especially brain medicine. Her interests include wanting to teach, do research, and share knowledge with others. “Using science, I would make the world a better place by researching and creating an effective, familiar, and painless vaccination alternative. This way, people (like me) with trypanophobia, or the fear of needles, will no longer have panic attacks over yearly shots. I dream of having something simple and easy to use, an alternative to injections….” Lara also loves to sing, perhaps she’ll have her “dorm mates” singing!

Lynnmarie, upcoming 8th grader, Warren T. Eich Middle School, Roseville


Lynnmarie has a great smile that seems to exude an aptitude for curiosity, inquisitiveness, and an eagerness to participate. She expressed excitement about the possibility of new challenges that Tech Trek will provide her. Lynnmarie is very interested to use her math and science skills to help people not get sick. Perhaps researching building a device to detect illnesses early on and help improve our daily life. Creating a device that could “see” or monitor one’s surroundings so that an individual would be less likely to catch a cold and get sick. “My interest in STEM started with numbers. I have always liked numbers. Perhaps it began when my parents put out those draw-by-connecting numbers puzzles for me to color. Oddly, I was always told to color inside the box. Now that I am older, I am always told to try to think outside the box. Why must we even limit ourselves to a box?”

Nira, upcoming 8th grader, Gateway Academy, Rocklin


Nira loves her accelerated math and science classes, she likes the “facts"!! She speaks confidently, eloquently, a bit fast with a friendly, calm demeaner! She enjoys helping her friends and brother with their homework, as she is making a difference. Her family is in the healthcare fields, which is probably why she is leaning towards medicine for a career and to be able to help others. She is particularly interested in the brain. “I would use math and science to change the world by inventing a new revolutionary cure for Alzheimer’s. When I grow up, I want to be a neurologist and I think curing Alzheimer’s would be pretty impactful on the world….”

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