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Speech Trek

Speech Trek is an AAUW-CA annual speaking contest open to all high-school girls and boys on a subject related to AAUW’s themes. Students prepare a five-minute speech with strict timing guidelines and may use only one small note card.  Speech preparation requires students to use research, organizational and oratorical skills. The contest begins at the branch level. Three state competitors, selected from video tapes of their winning branch speeches, progress to a competition at the AAUW State Convention in the spring.


The Eleanor Stem-Allen Speech Trek Scholarship was endowed by Gray Allen in honor of his late wife, Eleanor Allen, who was a dedicated AAUW member. She initiated the branch Speech Trek program and served as the branch Speech Trek Coordinator for the first two years. The Scholarship funds the prize monies for our branch winners.


Local branch prizes are:

  • 1st Place $1200

  • 2nd Place $800

  • 3rd Place $600

  • 4th Place $300

  • 5th Place $100


The State competition prizes are $1500, $750, and $500, respectively for the top three awards.

2023 - 2024 Speech Trek Contest



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